Maritime First Aid

There are many jobs in many industries that require work on the sea. As of today, there are nearly a million and a half people working as seafarers for various purposes, including fishing, navy, oil rigger, and many others. Though most jobs on the water have their differences, the health of all seafarers is critically important.

A knowledge of first aid is extremely important, regardless of whether you work on a sea vessel or not. However, because seafaring includes additional dangers other industries may not be familiar with, it is important to receive specific training on first aid at sea. Some things you may need to be prepared for are:

  • Performing CPR
  • Bandaging a wound
  • Treating someone in shock
  • Performing the Heimlich maneuver
  • Using an AED
  • And many more!

Though we may not be able to address every emergency, it is imperative that someone is available and qualified to deal with them. They need to be able to recognize when an accident occurs, what the victim needs, and apply first aid effectively to them.

First aid kits also need to be readily available with the necessary equipment inside. Without sufficiently- stocked supplies, your first aid response could be ineffective. There are two classifications of first aid kits; Class A which are designed for minor injuries, and Class B which cover a wider range of possible injuries for more high-risk environments. You will have Class B first aid kits on a seafaring vessel. Some of the materials inside include:

  • Adhesive Bandages
  • Antibiotic Application
  • Burn Treatment
  • Cold Pack
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Splint
  • Tourniquet
  • And many more!

To familiarize yourself with more of the rules and regulations for seafaring first aid, visit the OSHA website for resources and solutions to maritime dangers.

Likewise, the Hard Hat Training series has many articles and training programs on maritime safety as well as any other topic you may need for your industry!

Good luck and stay safe!

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